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First plasma test!
September 6, 2007
Bryson blew this small globe as a test.
We filled it with xenon [and possibly a little contamination -- hence the green.]
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Uranium glass -- first test
January 7, 2005
Bryson successfulyl welded some electrodes onto his homemade
uranium glass tube -- not a small feat!
It was pumped with neon/mercury -- nice effect!
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Hand pulled tubes test
November 18, 2004
Bryson brought over some handpulled neon tubing he made at SFSU's
glass lab. We were all eager to see if his tubes could be easily
welded and bent as neon, and how they would look when bombarded.
This was a very successful test!
however, the spiral and angle are still having contamination troubles.
We're not entirely sure why. Both have been burned in for long periods.
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angle.jpg 134k |
spiral.jpg 124k |
compare_argon_glass.jpg 102k |
compare_argon_glass2.jpg 120k |