A lovely picture of me by Scott, in 2003
(my favorite picture)
Here's one of my first tests
to see if I could maintain fire on a running stream of water.
first flame tests with the top bowl
testing how much water flow the top bowl needs
this is 10,000 gallons per hour!
here, I'm discussing things with my old boyfriend George
priming the pump at Burning Man 1999
here, I'm explaining the Firefall at Burning Man 1999
me, posing with flames!
Scott is in the background
[note: when I broke up with George,
I cut my hair really short!]
me and my fiance, Scott
me, driving with Scott to the playa for July 4th
the Cauldron is in the trailer in the reflection in my glasses
a nice picture of me, with the moon at Burning Man 2000
I'm lighting the firefall at Burning Man 2000
Me and the Cauldron at my birthday party
Scott and I get the Firefall ready for the Crucible show
[note: my hair is getting long again!
And Scott dyes his hair blue!]