First out of the kiln!
August 1, 2002
Here's some pics of the sculptures out of their first firing!
clsupegeria2.jpg 30k |
Egeriafired2.jpg 23k |
firedfish2.jpg 14k |
glazedfishwithholes2.jpg 12k |
Kiln firings
July 24, 2002
Some pics of the kiln being packed for firing!
And some measurement pics.
loadedkiln.jpg 36k |
fishpipe_and_wireholes.jpg 16k |
fish_and_stand.jpg 28k |
9 fishes done!
July 23, 2002
Myrrhia has been cranking through the fishes!
Here's some pictures of her aquiarium...I mean her shop! :)
anothafishy.jpg 20k |
fishwithyardstick.jpg 16k |
fishinthestudio!.jpg 14k |
crown'spropaneholes.jpg 14k |
tearbubble.jpg 13k |
tearbubblewithtape.jpg 14k |
Myrrhia's fishies, first review [little fish!]
July 12, 2002
Here's the first review of the fish support sculptures Myrrhia's
doing to adorn the supports!
fishymouth.jpg 8k |
lil'fishy.jpg 7k |
Egeria bust -- final!
June 30, 2002
Here's some pictures of the final Ebgeria bust by Myrrhia!
Also some pics of the access hole to hook up the piping for
her eyes and her crown
Egeriathreequarters.jpg 16k |
Egeriafront.jpg 22k |
hair.jpg 20k |
easy_access.jpg 11k |
fliptophead.jpg 2k |
First Egeria bust!
June 25, 2002
Myrrhia sent this initial pictures of Egeri's bust.
Some small comments that her eyes are a little lop-sided,
but this isn't very noticable from below anyway.
The hair in particular looks really great!
Also, there's access to the inside of the head,
but you can't even see it!
Her face has a Roman shape to it,
and her look is slightly sad...
forkiki.jpg 11k |
forkikiclsup.jpg 11k |
forkikihair.jpg 12k |
Egeria lighter
June 11, 2002
I got this lighter at a yard sale.
Need I say more?!?
lighter.jpg 40k |
lighter_flame.jpg 39k |
Some ideas for the Egeria bust
April 26, 2002
I sketched out some thoughts on how the Egeria bust would look.
Myrrhia said these helped define what I was looking for,
esp. with the hair.
Note that Rachel mentioned that the hair in Egeria's day was much simpler.
But I'm going to go with aesthetics over accuracy this time. :)
diagram.jpg 26k |
Egeria_hair.jpg 25k |
tears.jpg 22k |
Myrrhia sculpts of fish and Egeria bust
April 12, 2002
Myrrhia is making the supports out of clay,
including the support fishes,
and an lovely Egeria bust for the top!
Her eyes will flow with torrents of water during the day and flames at night
and her crown will spout water in the day and flames at night!
Egeria_front.jpg 37k |
Egeria_front_fr_below.jpg 35k |
Egeria_side.jpg 32k |
Egeria_side_fr_below.jpg 36k |
fish_3-4.jpg 24k |
fish_front.jpg 24k |
fish_side.jpg 24k |
Reference material from the web.
March 15, 2002
Here's some reference material I gleened from the web.
If you want the actual links to the web pages, use this page
and click on each picture to go to the original page:
W008.jpg 42k |
Qhiw014.jpg 16k |
A2302.jpg 47k |
ff1006.jpg 41k |
F9101.jpg 15k |
hsdolphinwallfountain.jpg 24k |
1799f.jpg 16k |
fount6.jpg 39k |
A2154.jpg 10k |
ital1.JPG 17k |
img30.jpg 8k |
S552BP18_sm.jpg 22k |
fountain20.jpg 54k |
F037WS.jpg 7k |
dragon3.jpg 32k |
dragon5.jpg 46k |
dragonbowl.jpg 32k |
gfoocb.jpg 35k |
art13.jpg 24k |
fish_base_template.jpg 88k |
Sketches of my first ideas.
November 20, 2000
Here's some sketches of my initial ideas for the Egeria Firefall.
01-simple.jpg 34k |
02-lionheads.jpg 20k |
03-weeping.jpg 15k |
04-weeping.jpg 14k |
05-floor.jpg 30k |
06-weeping.jpg 18k |
07-weeping.jpg 21k |
08-weeping.jpg 17k |
09-floor.jpg 26k |
10-fishes.jpg 18k |
11-floor.jpg 22k |
Egeria_floor.jpg 89k |
Egeria_floor_print.jpg 252k |