Shade laid out with longer tubes
July 23, 2001
Kiki laid out the pieces of the shade structure to see how the longer tubes
would fit in it.
The wires were just a *tad* too short!
And it doesn't look like any good way around that...
all_laid_out.jpg 198k |
too_short.jpg 226k |
too_short2.jpg 231k |
Bombarding the long tubes
July 22, 2001
Kiki made the long 5' tubes for ColorSpace... we'll have to bombard them...I hope they fit!
I should have taken more pictures of all we had to go through,
but I was so nervous and guarding the tubes like a watchdog that
I didn't have time for more than this one.
[In fact, Christian asked me to step back when I snapped this one!]
stretching_the_bombarder.jpg 93k |
Final critique in the Intro Neon class, Spring 2001, Crucible Art School
June 16, 2001
Here's some quick shots of the erected Color Space [first try.]
There was *clearly* not enough light -- both in brightness as well as
how far around the light wrapped...
I walked right out of the classroom and signed up for the next neon class!
Christian Schiess is a dear and allowed me to be an 11th student
in the beginning class...
And he *leeps* doing me many favors.
He's an angel!
ColorSpace_done.jpg 117k |
ColorSpace_inside.jpg 111k |
ColorSpace_lit.jpg 129k |
Setting up the shade for the first time
June 10, 2001
Kiki wanted to just see what the shade was like to assemble.
She got a good feel for it! [It's *quite* unweildy to set up!]
The key is to set up the top and *put the cover over it*.
The cover holds all the pieces together while you assemble the legs.
[She was able to assemble it alone at the Crucible the next day...]
top_done.jpg 187k |
Kiki_and_top_done.jpg 195k |
Kiki_assembles_top.jpg 188k |
Kiki_tries_legs.jpg 173k |
top_with_cover.jpg 142k |
Kiki_tries_legs_again.jpg 132k |
Kiki_with_opposite_leg.jpg 163k |
Scott_reads_instructions.jpg 152k |
shade_done.jpg 179k |
shade_done_closer.jpg 148k |
Concept sketches
February 29, 2000
Here's a sketch I did to represent the idea of what a room-sized ColorSpace
would be like.
color_space.jpg 63k |
The original ColorSpace Table
February 28, 2000
Here's some pictures of the original ColorSpace project I did in college:
The Table
You see how white objects in the Table can be any color in the visible
spectrum. [Well, not *exactly* since the red, green and blue lights are
not perfect colors... But they're close enough to make lots of colors!]
Table.jpg 17k |
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cmy.jpg 39k |
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egg.jpg 33k |
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shapes1.jpg 13k |
edge_on.jpg 28k |
shapes_under.jpg 25k |
rgb2cmy.avi 1.8m |